A look inside the Grand Rapids Fire Department

Looking inside the Grand Rapids Fire Department, you’ll find a hardworking, professional, and busy group of volunteers. In 2018, firefighters responded to 149 calls which required the entire department. That entire department response is decreased from 176 responses in 2017.

2018 brought changes in personnel to the fire department, with retirements and new hires. All of our staff are dedicated, hardworking people, and we appreciate the new additions to our team.

In 2015, the fire department was able to purchase a hose tester. This means that we can ensure the utmost safety of our community because we can test unit hoses without using fire trucks. Using the tester avoids wear and tear on the pumps and trucks and helps to prevent breakdowns.

The department was also able to work with Public Works this year on maintenance for equipment. The beneficial relationship between our departments was able to save the city and its resident's many dollars.

We also experience great relationships within our department. With so many new staff, the learning curve has been a little steep. Everyone in the department has stepped up to help out with changes. Even with full-time jobs and family and personal commitments, our staff has never lagged in their reliability.

The dedication of our firefighters’ families is also greatly appreciated. Being a member of a fire department requires commitment from the individual but also support from their families. The Grand Rapids community is lucky to have so many hardworking and dedicated people.